November 2019
It has only been 55 years since the Late President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act outlawing discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex and national origin.
55 YEARS!!!! This law is younger than my parents to say the least.
Can we just put that into perspective for a moment. This has to be a ‘group me, seat at the table’ conversational topic for sure.
It is important to remember that every moment in our American history is not to be forgotten. It was less than 60 years ago that Civil Rights was a major movement in American history.
Let this be a topic of conversation at the next social event or even in the group chat. If you need to phrase the question ask “What do you think the condition of the American people will be in 55 years?” You can prompt by saying ‘Did you know that the Civil Rights Act was implemented just 55 years ago. Interesting right.’ I mean no need to feel like the leader of the geek squad and of course this is a conversation for certain audiences. Still it is thought provoking when we shout ‘Black Lives Matter.’ This is our modern day Civil Rights movement. History is repeating itself. In order for us to recognize that- we need to have more thought provoking conversations about the bills, laws, statues and judgements that have been implemented on ‘our behalf’ especially those less than 60 years ago.
I always hear people say why are we are still seeing the “First Black _____”. Welp, if this is not the answer, it surely is part of it. Until we acknowledge the post traumatic syndrome from years of chattel slavery as one of the reasons we are in the conditions we are in, we will continue to have a many Civil Rights Movements repackaged and for sale.
#AmericanHistory #CivilRightsAct